About ImfundoSpace and the Bulilima-Mangwe Institute of Technology
Bulilima-Mangwe Institute of Technology (BMIT)
The vision of the Bulilima-Mangwe Institute of Technology is to become the leading E-Learning Economic and Management Sciences (EMS) and Science and Technology (STEM) Institute of Technology that is dedicated to developing high-achieving Entrepreneurs, Leaders and Scientists, and Engineers for the Scientific, Technological and Economic Advancement of Bulilima-Mangwe in particular and Africa in general through the delivery of High Quality, Affordable and Accessible Higher Education and Training.
BMIT is on a mission of contributing to the Development and Advancement of Education and Leadership Excellence among the Peoples of Africa in the Economic and Management Sciences (EMS) and Science and Technology (STEM) fields for the Human Capital and Socio-Economic Development and Advancement of Africa.
We will fulfill our mission through the delivery of Tuition-Free, High Quality, Accessible and Affordable Education that engenders Innovation, Creativity, Technological, Entrepreneurial and Leadership Excellence. As part of our mission, we will turn Bulilima-Mangwe into the ‘Silicon Valley of Africa’, a center of Entrepreneurial and Technological Excellence, known as Maphungubgwe Valley, by AD2050.
BMIT, a Non-Profit Company (NPC), is a Tuition-Free, E-Learning Institute of Technology that will deliver High Quality, Affordable and Accessible Education to our customers (Learners) by employing E-Learning Systems, the backbone of which will the ImfundoSpace. Through E-Learning, BMIT will deliver education to a wide cross-section of society particularly in Africa, aiming at both Quality, Affordability, and Accessibility.
As a Tuition-Free, non-profit Company employing Open Educational Resources (OERs), we will be able to deliver high-quality education at a very minimal cost to learners. Our education target market is potential learners who were or are unable to attend traditional educational institutions, which market segment happens to be the largest in Africa.
Our customers (students) will pay only for Administration, Quality Assurance, and Assessment, with most tutorial support provided online and through Free, Multi-media, E-Learning Open Educational Resources (OERs) on ImfundoSpace. To ensure quality assurance, BMIT has a two-level governance structure that is made up of the Board of Directors and the Senate, each with Executive sub-committees. The Board of Directors is the highest decision and policy-making body of the Institute. The Senate is the Academic Authority of the Institute and responsible for all academic affairs of the Institute per the Institute Charter.
ImfundoSpace E-Learning Sytems (Pty) Limited
ImfundoSpace E-Learning Systems embraces the vision of building the world’s largest electronic curation of customized educational information for the universal education of the people of the world. The company’s mission is to educate the world more affordably, effectively, and efficiently by creating, marketing, and delivering, at a profit, high-quality customized electronic educational content to Individuals, Schools, and Universities.
We will pioneer new directions and approaches in Education, finding innovative ways to use IT to extend the bounds of human potential through cheaper, more widely accessible, and high-quality Education, at minimal cost to Students, Families, Educational Institutions, and Governments. Working together with its charity partner, Bulilima-Mangwe Institute of Technology, ImfundoSpace will extend education to the remotest and most underserved African Communities.