Welcome to the Online Library at BMIT. This is our curation of Open Educational Resources textbooks, most of which are either already in the public domain, or were provided for free by copyright holders at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. The textbooks are organised according to field of study. They are freely downloadable PDFs.

Aerospace and Aircraft Engineering

Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences

Business Management and Leadership

Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Civil and Structural Engineering

Computer Science and Engineering

Kalanga History and Language Library

Earth and Environmental Sciences

Education and Human Development 

Electrical Engineering Technology

Electronics Engineering Technology

General Cert of Secondary Education

Law, Legal Studies and Criminology

Master of Education in ICTs

Master of Business Administration

Mathematics for Engineering

Mechanical and Automotive Engineering

Philosophy, Politics and Economics

Physics, Mechanics, Thermodynamics

Psychology and the Social Sciences

Self-Improvement Resources

Systematic and Philosophical Theology

Telecommunications Engineering

Technology Skills Training on YouTube